Skyn Med Spa



Sun Spots – Pigmented Skin – Vascular Marks – Facial Blood Vessels – Spider Veins – Port Wine Stains


  • COMFORTABLE TREATMENTS WITH NO DOWNTIME: The treatment is powered by Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) with SmartPulse™ technology that delivers precise light through several layers of skin. This generates heat when absorbed by the targeted tissue, which corrects imperfections in the skin without damaging any of the surrounding tissue. A real-time cooling system works to keep your skin protected throughout treatment.


What Are the Benefits of Clear Skin With Lumecca?

Clear Skin with Lumecca can treat and improve the appearance of skin anywhere on the body—especially areas that are regularly exposed to the sun such as the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, and legs.

Reduce Sun Spots and Freckles

Sun spots and freckles can often accumulate in areas that get lots of sun exposure. Sometimes, sun spots and freckles can overlap to make skin look darker in certain areas and throw off your overall skin tone. Lumecca can break up these pigments, including brown patches known as melasma, and even out your skin tone to give you clearer skin.

Improve Photo-Damaged Skin

Photo-damaged skin describes any skin changes induced by prolonged exposure to the sun, such as fine lines, deep wrinkles, roughness, melasma, and discoloration. If your skin has one or more of these signs of photo damage, Clear Skin with Lumecca can effectively reverse these changes with a few treatments.

Reduce Spider Veins

Spider veins are often just as visible and unsightly as varicose veins, but are far smaller and less raised. Spider veins can be caused by genetics, obesity, trauma, and hormone imbalances, and tend to become more prevalent with age. The IPL emitted by Lumecca can improve the appearance of spider veins without damaging nearby skin.

Reduce Rosacea

Rosacea is a common skin condition characterized by redness and the appearance of tiny blood vessels on the face. Rosacea usually develops during middle age and is frequently caused by excess exposure to the wind and sun. Clear Skin with Lumecca can effectively help reduce the appearance of rosacea without the side effects associated with medications commonly used to treat this skin condition.

Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation

Lumecca is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that doesn’t involve the use of needles or scalpels. With Lumecca, the surface of the skin is safely heated using a small handheld device. Patients who have been treated with Lumecca report feeling a slightly hot tingling sensation during sessions, and compare the feeling to that of a rubber band being snapped against the skin.

Prior to your treatment session, our Lumecca technician will apply a topical anesthetic or cooling gel to your skin to help you feel more comfortable. You may also be given protective goggles to wear over your eyes that minimize your exposure to the IPL technology.

Get Fast Results

Each Lumecca treatment session lasts an average of 30 minutes, though larger treatment areas may require extra time. Lumecca has been shown to effectively reduce skin irregularities within a few days after treatment, with results being most noticeable after two weeks. Lumecca IPL treatment also produces no downtime—meaning you can go back to work or resume daily activities immediately following your appointment.

Have you started noticing small brown spots on your skin? These sun spots are a form of skin damage, and they represent one of the most common signs of premature aging. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to improve your skin tone and restore a more youthful complexion.

Venus Concept’s photofacial treatments effectively target pigment under the skin’s surface to reduce the appearance of discoloration. The treatment also works on vascular marks (distended blood vessels often caused by UV exposure), such as spider veins and port wine stains. All it takes is a few quick treatments.

IPL How It Works?






What Risks Are Associated With Lumecca?

Most patients who receive Lumecca skin renewal treatments do not experience side effects. However, your pigmented spots may darken temporarily for one to two days before going away and giving you a clearer complexion. If you received Lumecca to minimize the appearance of spider veins, you may notice that your blood vessels will change color before becoming less noticeable.

Any side effects you do experience from Lumecca usually go away within a few hours following treatment. Avoid spending any time in the sun or tanning after receiving Lumecca, as your skin may be extremely sensitive to sunlight. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not receive Lumecca, as this IPL treatment has not been tested for safety and efficacy in these women.


Please note: We require at least 24 hours notice to cancel any individual appointments, and 48 hours for spa packages. A credit card number is needed to hold your reservation. Please note that once an appointment is booked – A  missed appointment will be charged at 50% of the booking amount.

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